| 1. | Mind means thinking , no - mind means pure awareness 头脑意味着思考,无头脑意味着纯粹的觉知。 |
| 2. | Pure awareness is , as you will find , mind knowing 你会慢慢了解,彻底的觉悟就是天心的真知。 |
| 3. | In this condition nothing but pure awareness remains and nothing is missing to take away from wholeness and perfection 在这种状态下,只有纯粹的觉知,在整体和完美中并无所缺。 |
| 4. | We withdraw from the experience and its experiencer and stand apart in pure awareness , which is between and beyond the two 咱们从经验与经验者抽离。知幻即离、不作方便、离幻即觉、亦无渐次。 |
| 5. | By itself the light can only be compared to a solid , dense , rocklike , homogeneous and changeless mass of pure awareness , free from the mental patterns of name and shape 性光好比花岗岩般实在、坚硬、密集、均一、不变的一整块纯粹的觉知,没有丝毫由心态组成的名相。 |
| 6. | I saw that in the ocean of pure awareness , on the surface of the universal consciousness , the numberless waves of the phenomenal worlds arise and subside beginninglessly and endlessly 我看到纯觉性的海洋中,宇宙意识的表面,无数的现象世界如波浪般此起彼伏,无始无终。 |
| 7. | I will tell you , the great joy , the great fulfillment that comes from being pure awareness is constituted of the direct experience of reality , because no interposing activity of the mind comes into play 我要告诉你,一旦没有心识活动的介入干扰,我们得以对实相有直接的体验,那种彻底觉悟的状态,何其美妙、何其圆满。 |
| 8. | I encourage you not only to endure this apparent meaninglessness and loss of identity , but to consciously embrace it as representative of the shift into the being of pure awareness , as a most desirable , healthy , and sane experience 希望你不仅要忍受这看似无意义的状态、这自我的失落感,还要有意识的接纳它,因它意味著你将跃进全然觉悟之境,这是你最渴望的经验,也是最有健康、最合乎天意的经验。 |
| 9. | But , that perspective will not be available to you to experience directly and undistortedly until the busy - ness of thinking is released so that the underlying ground of being called pure awareness may be discovered to be the constituting presence of conscious individuality ? self 若想直接且不受扭曲地经验到那样的观点,得先停止你马不停蹄的思维,如此,隐藏其下那彻底觉悟的实存境界才得以显露,形成绝对的个体意识,也就是自性。 |
| 10. | Therefore , to the degree that you practice being in the silence and listening , or being pure awareness , you will gravitate from a deep level of motivation toward waking up here , where you really are , and where i am , with a full comprehension of it 因此,你练习处于寂静与聆听或觉醒状态到什么程度,你就会被多大的深层动力牵引,全力觉醒于此地,那是真实的你所在之处,也正是我所在之处,只是我对它已彻底了悟了而已。 |